Penultimate Ubicomp Class
Some quick notes:
- Final Project Presentations is next Wednesday.
The project doesn't have to be completed by then,
but the presentation should have enough describing
- what the problem is
- what your approach is (ie what you've done)
- what your results are so far
We have 80 minutes and we have 6 groups, so aim for
about 10 minutes each plus a few minutes for questions.
- what the problem is
- For this coming Monday, rather than a reading assignment,
the assignment is to do a coherent and lively 5-minute rant.
You can even do interpretive dance or rap if you want.
Bonus points if you make people laugh or start a fight.
Here are some pointers that might help:
- "Ubicomp will fail in 10 years because..."
- "We should eliminate privacy because..."
- "Ubicomp will succeed but b/c of (smart toys / sex / ...)"
- "The metric for ubicomp should not be efficiency but (smiles per hour / hugs per hour / quality of life / ...)"
- "Areas x, y, and z of ubicomp should be stopped b/c..."
- "Lines of research x, y, and z are stupid b/c..."
- "We should focus more on... (ex. third world computing)"
- "Ubicomp will be the (worst / best) thing to happen to humanity because..."
- "The biggest problem ubicomp has today is (programming / ethics / ...)"
- "Ubicomp will fail in 10 years because..."
- Here are some links to some example rants by others:
Bruce Sterling (Sci-Fi Author)
Grand Challenges
Argues for,,, So/Ho Ubicomp, etc
(Two different talks, both funny)
Stephen Doheny-Farina (Communication Prof)
The Last Link: Default = Offline Or Why Ubicomp Scares Me
Argues why ubicomp data should be "off" and "unknown" by default
Bill Joy (Java guy)
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us
Self-replicating nanotech will turn us all into grey goo
- Last, here was the rap song about tangible UIs I mentioned.
And you thought I was joking: